23 Mar Things to do at home during the extended Spring-a-Virus outbreak!
Toddlers and preschoolers are full of energy. It is challenging when they are stuck at home and are unable to go to the park, meet with their friends, have any play-dates or visit the library.
At this age, they love their routine. When they are at school, they have a set schedule and they are familiar with their activity routines. They get so excited even with the transition from one activity to another. The present situation is difficult for everyone – toddlers as well as parents.
Alternative options like e-learning or online assignments are not necessarily well suited for toddlers and preschoolers. So – how can parents keep them engaged and stimulate their young minds without having to rely on electronic devices or TV the entire day? Here are a few ideas we suggest to keep them engaged and at the same time make it a learning experience.
Set a routine. Make a pictorial schedule chart showing the major events of the day. Walk them through the pictorial schedule so they know what to expect. You would be amazed at what toddlers and preschoolers are able to grasp and understand!!
Rotate the activities – Fine Motor, Art, Music, Story, Free play, etc. Kid’s love variety!! You don’t need toys or any special materials. You can come up with simple activities from common items – for e.g. playing with shaving cream on paper to create some art, reading a picture book with them, or making paper origami projects. Set aside an hour or two just to be with them if your work schedule permits. They enjoy music the most! Sing along with them, dance with them.
Some activities (not in any particular order) to do with them are –
- Hide all their soft toys and make it a Treasure Hunt.
- Make an obstacle course in the hallway with simple soft objects.
- Get creative with Duplo blocks and Legos.
- Play the I Spy game in the living room or your patio. Spring is in the air, and you may see many colorful birds and small animals abound!
- Color and paint using crayons, markers, paint.
- Try Yoga Time by Cosmic Kids Yoga on YouTube.
You can find more ideas at –
If you are looking for a preschool or a child care facility that incorporates most of these fun activities to make their learning fun, check out Learning Cube Academy in Plano. It is conveniently located on 3425 Ashington Lane (near the Coit and Springcreek intersection) in Plano. You can call 972-905-5994 or email to director@lcaplano.com for details!
Stay Safe – Stay Strong!!
K Boltin
Posted at 04:01h, 25 MarchThanks for the great tips to keep my child occupied during this unprecedented time!